Tag Archives: New York

Nick Cave is not a bad seed. HEARD//NY

25 Mar

The artist, not the musician, Nick Cave has created 30 colorful horses that will move (via dancers) about Grand Central Terminal until March 31st thanks to MTA Arts for Transit and Creative Time.  The sculptures are beautiful and move gracefully through the terminal everyday at 11:00 and 2:00.

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Deconstructed Furniture, Flat: Michael Zelehoski

11 Mar

I was walking through this years Volta art fair, and I was impressed by many artists, but one who really caught my eye was Michael Zelehoski.  He found his groove in 2006 when he took apart an old blue chair that had been lying around.  All of his current pieces deconstruct three dimensional objects and turn them flat.  The perspective is amazing, and the play of color and shading is true skill that results in these beautifully reclaimed works of art.Blue Chair ZelehoskiZelehoskiZelehoski

Design Openings: R20th Presents

26 Feb

The design gallery, R20th Century will have two new shows opening March 5th.  “Contemporary Korean 2” features the work of four of Korea’s top contemporary designers: Hun Chung Lee, Bae Sehwa, Zong Sun Bahk, Myung Sun Kang and Byung Hoon Choi.R20th Century GalleryThey are also opening an exhibition of “Christian Wassmann: 5 Platonic Objects” Christian Wassmann is a New York-based architect and designer. The exhibition will feature objects, furniture and drawings inspired by five unique geometric forms, the platonic solids.exhibition_detail-1 Wassmann_21-368

Barney’s New York: A Brief History

23 Feb

Barney Pressman opened the first store in 1923 at 17th Street and Seventh Ave. He pawned his wife’s engagement ring for the $500 he needed to lease the space. His philosophy was to offer the lowest possible price for the most popular brands.  He purchased showroom samples, retail overstocks, and manufacturers’ closeouts at auctions and bankruptcy sales.  His son, Fred Pressman took over the company in the 70s, and changed the direction of the company from bargain store, to boutique. barneysmatchad2
band_of_outsiders_hol09_5 4300862781_deba35ef4a_zbarneysmatchad1The Barney’s store on 7th ave now houses the Rubin Museum of Art, but still contains the original spiral staircase.33

Eraser Earrings: E for Effort

5 Feb
Eraser Earrings, Artware Editions

Eraser Earrings, Sterling $90

My friends at Artware Editions have always had the most unique jewelry. These are a recent acquisition, and I think they’re awesome.  Designed by E for Effort, which you may have seen before with their  bubble wrap shirts, and notebook bags. If you never have enough eraser at the end of your pencil, get these earrings.notebook toteBubble Wrap Shirt Artware Editions

Samantha Box opening reception at Bureau of General Services- Queer Division Thursday Feb. 7th 2013

4 Feb

Samantha-BoxSamantha Box InvisibleSamantha Box has been photographing the queers of the street since 2005.  Join me Thursday at The Bureau of General Services, Queer Division– The last, and newest LGBTQ(etc) book store in New York. The opening reception is February 7th 6-9pm at the Strange Loop Gallery, 27 Orchard Street.

“It is my hope that this continuing documentary project, INVISIBLE, will help to lift the shroud that surrounds these young adults, enabling all of us to be aware, not only of their daily struggles, but also of their resiliency, strength and hope for the future.”

30 Bucks a Week

Vegetarian, Sustainable, Frugal, DIY